4Sync and Google Plus. Friends with Benefits

Hello, dear subscribers and users of a 4Sync cloud storage! We continue to master new trends of the Internet network. Today you can find a lot of interesting info about 4Sync on the newly launched Google service.
We are talking about a well-known “Google Plus”. Within a very short period of time it became an important part of the social networking realm. According to officially published statistics, Google + already has 90 million users as of January 2012. Now its 4th largest and the most fast-growing social network of all times. Google + has a lot of advantages, such as private circles to share information, video based group chats, appealing media integration, simple interface etc.
Few days ago we created a 4Sync profile on Google +. You can put “+1” for our posts or include us to your circles. You may track updates of our blog and be aware of up-to-date news of the 4Sync website.
4Sync tries to keep pace with the times and provides you with an opportunity to contact us within Google+ social network. Join us and ask any questions. And remember that we are always opened to any suggestions!
Follow us HERE. You can add 4Sync to your circles and share info about 4Sync with friends. Also you can get on our Google Plus page any moment, by clicking the bottom of 4Sync main page.
Subscribe and learn the latest 4Sync news and all the most interesting facts in the world of cloud storages!
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Use support@4sync.com to send all your questions and suggestions.
Read our blog. Stay with 4Sync. Bye!
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