5 new Ideas How to Use 4Sync
Ready? Ok let’s go…

Keep Taxes Online
Probably, everyone once in his/her life had problems with accounts. If you prefer everything to be in perfect order and stored in one place, 4Sync races to rescue! Keep old returns, receipts and forms organized. Also it is possible to share 4Sync folder with your tax accountant securely.

Club’s Shared Folder
You work in the organization or maybe you are the club member? In this case you must definitely use 4Sync service! Share 4Sync folder with your club or organization members. Exchange activity plans, write meeting minutes and make a team list with contact information. With 4Sync you can keep everything: projects lists, reports, tickets with tasks, deadlines, list of expenses. It will make life easier and simplify information exchange process.

Easy Home Renovation
Repair works run over time? Your head is full of genius design ideas and it is necessary to organize them? Use 4Sync. Also you can keep a record of your expenses, store photos and info about building materials. You can consult with your friends, discuss design and color. It is possible to scan permits and other approvals and store them in 4Sync folder. Everything concerning renovation process will be at hand. Can you imagine something as awesome as 4Sync?

4Sync and sports
Are you a team sport player? Help your command to win. Create a shared 4sync folder and use it to keep, share, sync and organize your team’s activity. Share game schedules, rosters, strategies, useful tips etc. Update team news, first aid manuals and emergency release forms. You also can use it instead of a photo album and exchange game photos.

Perfect presents
Planning a great party? Can’t get thoughts together and organize everything properly? 4Sync was made to help you! Involve everyone to the party organization! Share ideas, preferences concerning presents to avoid duplicate gifts. Write down to-do lists and lists with what already was bought.
There are still plenty variants of 4Sync usage!
If you don’t believe me then …
Read our blog and stay with 4Sync. Bye!
I ended up installing 4Sync while trying to get a mp3 download offline. I have no real need for it and would like to uninstall it. Unfortunately, this is not possible, even using the included uninstall package, because it is always running, and so you get errors saying to stop running all instances of 4Sync. How can I turn it off to remove it, please??
Nice. I have a problem with my 4-sync. i forgot the password and i want to signup again but it’s telling me that he password or name is allredy exist. What can i do?