Keep portable soft with 4Sync
To keep portable programs on 4Sync is much easier than to tote a laptop or even a flesh-card.
Recently portable programs became wide-spread. In many respects it has happened thanks to free file syncing services, such as 4Sync.
1. Portable programs are very useful in business trips or if you have sometimes to work at home. Naturally, it would be desirable, somehow to unify programs, in order to waste less time. Portable soft allows to make it true. Options are transferred very easy.
2. If there are several operating systems on the computer, portable soft allows you to avoid installing software for each system.
3. After re-installation of the operating system you can avoid wasting time. You don’t have to save personal data (browser bookmarks, ICQ correspondence history etc.).
Correctly made portable programs don’t depend on operating system. They can be copied temporarily to the 4Sync folder and then may be returned back. All options and temporary files will remain unchanged.
Portable programs:
• are very easy to install and uninstall
• can be started right from your 4Sync folder
• don’t use the registry
• store all settings and data in the folder
• don’t leave “tracks” on the computer after usage
• don’t need additional components in the system
• as a rule are free
The basic advantage of portable soft is its small dependence on the operating system version. As a rule, they work well practically with any OS.
To start work with portable soft you have to:
• place all program files in a separate 4Sync folder

• start an executable file

Usually it has «.exe» extension and the same name as the program, for example Skype.exe.

4Sync can be used not only as files storage, but also as a repository of programs which can work practically on any computer.
Read our blog and stay with 4Sync! Bye!
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