Collaborate with 4Sync
Are you looking up for a convenient service for collaborative work? Hmmm… You’ve already found it – do that easy with 4Sync!
Hope, you’ll already heard that 4Sync makes any your file available anywhere where there is an Internet connection. So, you can easily access them … or if you agree, any of your friends can access them too. This great feature helps to work on some projects together.
For that you just need to share login and password to the appropriate 4Sync account. So, if your friend is logged in to the same 4Sync account as you, he or she will see all the files you copy to 4Sync and of course, you also will be able to check up updates made by your friend.
So, if you are working on one project together, 4Sync can help you to proceed in such steps:

1. Follow the updates of each other
As soon as you or your friend change something in the 4Sync folder, you or your friend are able to check those changes. 4Sync provides you with 10 GB of free storage space where you can upload or copy files up to 2 GB large. That’s really convenient if you are collaborating on the projects which have large-size files (such projects concern music or video making).
2. Update any file types right in the 4Sync folder
Another useful feature for collaborative work at 4Sync is that you can update files within 4Sync folder.You can work with 4Sync folder as with regular one at your PC, you don’t have to download and then upload back updated files. Feel free to do everything as you are used to.

3. Access your files anywhere you need this
If you decided to work on any of your projects at the café, park or elsewhere, 4Sync will also be an indispensable, because it gives you and your friends an instant access to all the files. You just need to connect your device to the Internet and enjoy the cool atmosphere of your favourite places of rest. Moreover, imagine that you’re working on an international project together with your friends from different countries, with 4Sync all of you can simultaneously edit files sitting at the cosiest places of Rome, Barcelona, London, Krakow or Paris.
Hope, now you’re sure that collaborating with your friends using 4Sync (one of your best “application”-friends:) is a real relief. So, enjoy creation of new projects and managing them together with your friends through 4Sync and tell us your impressions in comments!
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