[Guide] How to Streamline your Workflow with 4Sync

What major tasks does an average small or mid-size business need to handle every day?
We’ve asked a few, and according to them, they’re at least 2:

  • Operational management
  • Ongoing communication with clients

Fortunately, we know an effective way to “make things easier”!
Here’re the three key features at 4Sync that can help you both to manage team more effectively, and communicate with clients in a better, much smoother way.
Let’s take a closer look at each of them:

Customizable account structure

Your 4Sync account in many ways resembles a folder on a computer or mobile device, yet it also has some valuable extra benefits.

First, it enables keeping all crucial data in sync: across devices and your secure 1TB cloud storage.
But more importantly, it’s super-easy to manage and navigate on the move, anytime.

The latter advantage owes much to a customizable tree-like account structure, with “My 4Sync” [as a root folder] branching down to other folders and files.

Not only is it effortless to set up and further modify your account folder tree, according to company’s specifics, but also navigate, manage and share data stored within it – fast (see below).

Tip! Use an in-acc Search feature to allocate a particular file
in your account in seconds.

Granular access permissions/roles

The “Granular access” feature in your 4Sync account allows you to specify access permissions to particular folders/folder tree branches for different team members, for example:

  • Enable “view only” access to general Project folders for all team members
  • Allow “assign & edit” access to a particular Project folder for selected team members
  • Deny access to the most confidential folders for everyone, except you (see below).

Tip! Ensure extra folder protection by setting a password to it.

4Sync “Comment Pins”

Communicating with clients, especially getting their ongoing feedback and final approval of your team’s work, isn’t always easy. However, some of the aspects can be simplified, if you’re using 4Sync.

Namely, the unique “4Sync Comment Pins” feature enables you to review, discuss and approve parts of sketches, mockups, UI design and other graphic content with a client and your team – in real time, directly in your computer’s browser.

Tip! Use the “Shorten URL” option to share better-looking, short links
to media files with clients.

Latest Upgrades to 4Sync for Android!

Amazing news! We’ve recently released the upgrade
to the 4Sync app for Android devices!

Along with the other crucial improvements, the updated app includes:

  • Extended sharing capabilities,
  • Improved download functionality, and more.

Ready to try out the new features yourself?
Install the latest version of 4Sync for Android from Google Play!

4Sync Summer Giveaway 2017 – Winner Chosen!

We’re happy to announce the winner of ‪‎4Sync‬ Summer Giveaway 2017
– it’s Maxim Ritus!

Maxim Ritus will receive the free ‪‎4Sync Premium‬ for 1 year – we’ve already informed the winner via Facebook private messages!

Guys, thank you all for taking part!

[Giveaway] Celebrate Summer & win 4Sync Premium!

Summer’s already here, and 1TB of secure cloud storage
is just enough for syncing all vacations pics & videos across devices
and sharing them with friends!

Take part in a traditional 4Sync Summer Giveaway
by July 7, 2017* & win a 1-year 4Sync Premium!

How to take part?
By July 7, 2017:

1. Like & Follow 4Sync on Facebook.
2. Like & Share (with public access to the shared post!) a Giveaway Facebook post.
3. In you shared post:

  • Say why you want to win
  • Add a hashtag: #4SyncSummerGiveaway

We’ll select the winner using random.org service and announce their name
at our official blog and Facebook page on July 7, 2017*!

We’ll also inform the winner personally – via Facebook private messages!

* Shares, posted later, than 23:59 GMT, July 6, 2017 – will NOT take part in the contest!

Get Ready for Awesome Surprises from 4Sync!

While you are having the best summer time,
4Sync is getting ready with some exciting surprises for you!

That’s right, the news we’re releasing soon is really awesome!
Thus, stay tuned for the latest announcements on our blog and social networks.


Twitter Facebook Google+

By the way, we’ve just released the update to 4Sync for Android – try it out!

True Story: Seizing the Power of Short Links with 4Sync!

As you probably recall, just recently we’ve introduced
the “Short Links” feature at 4Sync.

To add some personal perspective to this matter, we’ve asked a few 4Syncers to share their personal experience in using short links.
Check out the True Story by UCY Films, a full-cycle video production company.
Click below to download a case study in your language.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Latest functional improvements in 4Sync for Android!

Lately we’ve released a few essential functional improvements
in the 4Sync app for Android devices!

Optimized image preview
We’ve enhanced the preview of image files in the application, making it easier
to both view the media and access the “File Operations” menu.

Document editing options
We’ve also enabled editing MS Word documents directly in 4Sync for Android:
1. Tap “Open” on file preview.
2. Tap the “Pencil” button.
3. Begin editing.


Ready to test out new features? Install the upgraded
4Sync for Android from Google Play!

[FEATURE] Preview archive files in 4Sync for Android!

Isn’t it awesome?

We’ve enabled the preview of archive files
in the 4Sync app for Android devices!

How it works?
1. Tap an archive file (.zip, .rar or .7zip) in your 4Sync app.
2. Tap the “Download” button on the file preview.
3. Tap “Open archive”.


Try out the new feature yourself –
install the updated 4Sync for Android from Google Play!


Happy Easter Weekend from 4Sync!

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