Dear 4Sync users! We are happy to share with you some good news. 4Sync becomes more and more popular among users.
The statistics of downloading for the last week on a can be a serious affirmation of these words. published the list titled:

“More Popular Online Storage and Data Backup downloads”.
And according to these stats released healthy growth rates in downloading this week. It was recognized the most downloaded cloud storage and its latest version 4Sync 1.0.2 has been downloaded 79,283 times last week. Dropbox has been downloaded 3,618 times. Also Cnet users picked 4Sync app more often than, for example, Gladinet Cloud Desktop Starter Edition (881 downloads) and HTTrack Website Copier(661 downloads). Total amount of 4Sync application downloads is 79 303. Considering the fact that new version appeared on Cnet website only on January 11, 2012, it’s a pretty good score.

Also it is important to mention that popularity of 4Sync is constantly growing. More and more users follow 4Sync news on Facebook and Twitter.

Our team hopes that it’s just a beginning!

Read our blog. Stay with 4Sync. Bye.