How many languages do you speak?
1, 2, 3, 5… 4sync speaks 18… and that’s not all… We’re expanding our multilinguality.

At first 4Syncers translated our app into 18 languages: German, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Japanese, Malay, Thai, Polish, Portugal, Vietnamese, Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, Persian, Russian, English and Turkish.

Then we’ve decided that it’s not enough and our manual videos also should be accessible in different languages. Have you seen our introductory vid?

Now you can watch this funny and useful clip in German, Polish, Korean, Russian, Arab, Indonesian, Japanese and Malay. 4Sync team became international while making it. We’ve started even studying some new words and phrases with them. For example, phrase “Make your life easy with 4Sync” in German will sound as “Machen Sie sich das Leben einfach mit 4sync” in Polish “Ułatwić sobie życie z 4sync!” and in Korean “4sync와 함께 네 인생은 쉽게!”.

Well, the last variant was the most difficult. Alas, our blog is possible just in English and website version still too. However, we’re developing. Meet more new improvements soon. Write us in comments in which languages would you like to use 4Sync?